The ECHO Model
Connecting a Community.
Project ECHO is a guided practice model that increases workforce capacity to provide best-practice specialty care and reduce health disparities.
Project ECHO links expert interdisciplinary teams with primary care clinicians. These clinicians become part of a learning community where they receive mentoring and feedback from expert interdisciplinary teams. Together, they learn and share with the goal of enhancing care to patients locally.
From moving the patient - to moving the knowledge.
Step 1
Healthcare providers register for CME Accredited ECHO Programs at no cost. Providers join ECHO sessions via videoconferencing.
Step 2
Through participation in ECHO, healthcare providers form communities of practice, acquiring new skills and knowledge, and increasing overall confidence.
Step 3
Clients supported by healthcare providers that participate in ECHO receive safe and appropriate care at the right place and time.
Step 4
Communities across Ontario can keep clients local and disseminate best practices, reducing regional disparities.
Step 5
Quality and access within the Ontario healthcare system increases, improving the health and wellbeing of entire populations.