Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Project ECHO: St. Joseph’s Care Group
Multiple ECHO Programs (pictured below) are supported by the ECHO Office at St. Joseph’s Care Group, and this website.
Register to receive:
Access to attend all 40 sessions (yearly) of the Chronic Pain & Opioid Stewardship program (you will receive a session reminder each week)
Periodic promotion for upcoming programs & series’ as they arise
Ability to SIGN UP for additional programs (pictured below)
Note: Indigenous Chronic Pain & Substance Use, and Adult Palliative Care require SIGN UP due to additional participant information required by their funding body
This Program Has Been Completed
This Program Has Been Completed
A Revolution in Medical Education for Front Line Care Delivery.
A Vortex of Learning.
Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) provides training, at no cost to the participant and is open to all health care providers in Ontario. You can start any time.
The ECHO model is not traditional “telemedicine” where the specialist assumes care of the patient, but is instead telementoring, a guided practice model where the participating clinician retains responsibility for managing the patient.
An ECHO session contains two main components; a real case discussion (de-identified), and a talk by a subject matter expert providing tools & best practices for primary care.
Co-Management of Cases
Peer-to-Peer Learning
Collaborative Problem Solving
Sessions are Accredited for Education Credits.
Attendance is tracked and certificates are issued at the end of each season.
You can receive CME credits for each hour you attend, at no cost.